These are the 10 Secrets of Caring for Leather Shoes to Long Lasting

Leather shoes are a type of shoe that now has many types and models. Therefore, leather shoes not only look elegant but also comfortable to use.

With these advantages, it is certainly important to know how to store and care for leather shoes properly.

Leather shoes are a type of shoe that can absorb odors, durable, and easy to clean.

Even so, the wrong treatment will only make the outer layer of the shoe quickly damaged.

So, if your friends have a leather shoe, make sure to provide the right care.

The right treatment will also make friends save money, because shoes can last a long time.

Here are 10 ways to consider when caring for leather shoes.

  1. Right Washing

The first way to do is to do the right washing.

When the shoes are exposed to dirt, just clean it using a wet cloth or special leather shoe cleaning product.

Avoid flushing shoes with water, because shoes that are often exposed to water will be more easily peeled off.

Friends are also advised to provide water resistant spray so that the shoes are more awake.

  1. Maintain color

Then, so that the appearance of shoes is maintained, friends need to polish shoes regularly.

Make sure to choose the same shoe polish color as the color of friends’ leather shoes.

  1. Avoid being used too often

Some people really like to use the same shoes for various occasions.

However, leather shoes should not be recommended to be used every day especially used in dirty places.

So, friends must have other shoes and use alternately and adapted to the condition of the event that is attended.

  1. Clean with a damp cloth

Before storing shoes, clean with a damp cloth to remove dirt and dust that sticks to the surface.

  1. Use a conditioner for leather

Then, the treatment of leather shoes is by applying a thin layer of skin conditioner.

This conditioner will help maintain the quality of the skin to stay moist and durable.

The trick, apply conditioner in a lot of portions to leather shoes, do it routinely to prevent cracking leather and make shoes more durable.

  1. Store in a dry place

High humidity and very hot and cold temperatures tend to damage the skin.

  1. Fill with wood shoes or paper

Fill shoes with acid -free tissue paper to help maintain its shape.

Friends can also use wood shoes, but make sure the size is appropriate.

  1. Wrap with acid -free butter paper

Cover or wrap shoes with muslin cloth or tamarind butter paper, before putting it in a shoe rack or storage box.

  1. Save shoes in the original box

Store shoes in the original shoe box if the storage space is possible.

It is also important to store leather shoes in a cloth bag to be awake from fading colors or colors.

If there is a special shoe rack for each season. Store leather boots in an upright position using a boot holder, thus maintaining its shape.

  1. Avoid sunlight

Another important thing is not to dry the wet leather shoes in the direct sun.

Because, it will make leather shoes like crackers.

The drying action in the sun is usually used to change the skin color of the shoe to make it darker.

Well, that’s the right treatment for leather shoes to last longer and remain in good condition.

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